Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Beast is a beast

Now I love weights. I think it's why my journey has been a little long. I stayed with P90X3 so when I changed to cardio, I just wasn't feeling it. At all.  Now you have to do cardio to lose weight and X3 had it mixed in there but I loved the sore muscles after lifting. So I've dabbled and finally I bought Body Beast© and couldn't wait to try it. Today was that day.
I don't have a weight bench so I used a stability ball, which is also working my core. Two birds. One stone. I admit at first I really had no clue what they were doing and I already felt like a wimp holding 5lb weights and doing a program called Body Beast. But I found humility and I lifted. Then I figured it out. With every set you increase and then decrease. 5lbs, 10lbs and then 15lbs. 15lbs, 10lbs and then 5lbs. Doesn't sound like a lot. But say that to my arms and shoulders. They would disagree.
I was a little unsteady at first. I mean I was on a ball. Laying down. I got it though. And the time seemed to go fast, it IS only 30 minutes. But once I figured it out, the time kinda stopped and I was thinking no way can I finish this. But I did. Well I beasted out at 20 minutes. I'm not ashamed. Next time I'll get further.
Let me tell you though, day 1 was tough. I can't even imagine as it goes but I'm going to get better and stronger. That's what will keep me going. But Body Beast is a beast.​​​​

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