Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Things change ....

Sometimes things happen in our lives that we don't plan for.  At those times we have to make two choices, to either succumb to those changes and go into a dark place or embrace the changes and make the best of it.  I'll be honest.  I usually go to a dark place.  I'm kinda OCD about planning everything in my life and when something happens that I didn't plan for, I have no idea what to do.

This time a huge change in my life happened.  It happened out of nowhere and I was beside myself.  I told my husband the day that my world got shook that I was taking that day to be mad, sad, pissed off, cry and whatever other emotion there was to have that fit and then I was moving forward.

A little background on me ... I have worked since I was 16 years old.  I have depended on another one time and it taught me a lesson the day that I had to leave that situation with my infant daughter and just the clothes on our backs.  I vowed that I would never be there again. Never.  And I wasn't.  I always worked and sometimes I worked two jobs, but I was never going to be without and I was never going to have to say please and is it okay.  Sometimes I struggled and sometimes I had to be bailed out of tough situations but I still did whatever I could to make sure that I was bringing in money.  I had 3 children and I was young and married and one day my life changed.  I lost my job.  I had to go on government assistance for the first time in my life.  I remember standing in that line just sobbing because I couldn't believe I was there.  A year later I lost my home.  At the same time my husband and I divorced.  I was working part-time but still working.  Still holding my own.

This happened about 5 years ago.  I've blossomed, had some life lessons, some tough times but again. I still worked.  This last year has been a struggle for me to work because my fibromyalgia progressed.  I was only recently diagnosed but now I know what my struggle was from.  But I still worked and even though I would come home some days and just not know where the pain was from because there was so much of it, I still kept going.  My current husband and soul mate was having a hard time finding a job.  I was okay with it because he was doing what he could and there were times that I resented him for being able to stay home, but we got through those times.  And I still worked.

Fast forward to today.  I lost my job.  Terminated. Fired. Kicked out of the door. Whatever you want to call it, I don't work there anymore.  This means we have no income.  3 weeks before Christmas and we have nothing.  Devastated.  I cried and cried and my husband kept saying it was going to be okay and I'm just like, HOW? HOW is this going to be okay?!  That's when I told him to just give me today to be a cry baby. Give me today to take deeper breaths.  And he said okay.  Then the phone call came.  The call that gave me more financial freedom than I could know.  Doesn't mean I won't work because I will.  But HE's working.  HE will be leaving our home every day and bringing home an income.  I will stay home with my son, my grandmother and take care of the home and everything that comes with it.  I will be able to further myself in my online business and helping more people.  I will not be tired and sore all the time.  I will not have to lift 50+lbs daily.  I will become a success and I will have the time for it to develop.

I believe that this happened for a reason.  The whole universe thing, God, whatever you want to call it ... it happened.  But mostly I believe it happened because I had a good attitude about it.  I knew just sucking it up wasn't realistic, so I gave myself a day.  For the first time I embraced what could be instead of going into a dark place where there are no opportunities, no solutions and no good things.  Yes, I needed a day but a day is far better than weeks or months.  And this day might have changed my life.  No it did. It has. It will.

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