To reduce to post holiday indulgence guilt, I’ve put together a plan to get us back in shape and guilt free. WELCOME TO THE SANTA SLIM DOWN!!!
Starting January 2, we’ll be working out and blasting off all those extra calories we willingly enjoyed at all those holiday parties. This challenge allows us to have fun and enjoy the holidays with our families without counting calories and feeling bad for being a “fat ass”. In this challenge, I’ll have daily workouts as well as workout guides to assist both you and I to losing the holiday chubs.
How does this challenge work? Every day for 12 days starting January 2nd I will post a workout and tips to get moving and ease back into feeling better, it’s up to you to get accountable and get moving! Each day is a new workout. It’s only 12 days, so everyday counts! Out of the 12 days, it’s important to get at least 7 days of high intensity workouts in. On your rest days, keep moving! Take a long brisk walk, 50 situps, 100 jumping jacks. Just get your heart rate up and move! Then check-in and let us know what you did and how you’re feeling!
With working out, this challenge will require a diligent meal plan. Clean eating will be essential in order for our bodies to detox from all the sugar, fats and not so great but delicious foods we’ve all consumed during the holidays. After consumption these foods, our bodies start to feel sluggish and fatigued as your body starts to respond to all the inflammation caused by the holiday crappy yumminess. Through this challenge, workouts and a healthy diet, we’ll start feeling good as new in no time.