I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your holiday season and partied it up with family and friends. No need to feel guilty about having fun and eating some sweets. It’s all good! Now it’s time to get busy and workout! We start the challenge hardcore! Today is all about getting the heart rate up and twisting out those toxins!
Don’t forget, diet is especially important to this challenge! We had our fun eating whatever we wanted. Now it’s time to get to the business. Eating clean foods is essential to this program as we are trying to rid our bodies of the toxins, fats and sugars we deliciously consumed. Here’s a great tip. In the morning, drinking a warm glass of water with lemon will help naturally cleanse your body, spark your digestive system and give you a little energy boost. Instead of coffee first thing in the morning, try this natural cleansing remedy and let me know what you think. This is how I always start my day. In addition, drink a few glasses throughout the day to help speed the cleansing process to your system to remove what is slowing down and harming your beautiful body.
Here are a few workouts for you to choose from. You can pick one or two or be crazy and do all three. You know your body and your limits. You have 12 days, so choose wisely and don’t hurt yourself. Don’t knock yourself out of the game so before it’s barely begun! Don’t forget to check-in. Inspire yourself and others to keep going and let us know how you’re doing. We’re here for you!! This challenge is for you to get fit, healthy and accountable!

Here’s a yoga video specifically targeting detoxification. This video contains a lot of twisting poses that rinse and cleanse your internal organs by removing toxins from the body. It’s the perfect way to start the 12 Days Post Holiday Challenge. Make sure your drink plenty of water after today’s workout!
Detox Yoga
Here’s a video targeting a trouble zone most of us gained this holiday season, the belly blubs!!
Tummy Time
Next up, a workout you can take with you to the gym. This workout also contains lots of twisting to detoxify the body. Twists are the best way to cleanse the body of those holiday toxins!
Stress Free and Detoxed Workout
After completion of each exercise, rest for 10-30 seconds before moving onto the next. Once all exercises are completed, rest for 2 minutes then repeat the circuit. Goal is to complete circuit three times. Beginners perform circuit one time.
Front Lunge with Knee Raise
Starting in standing position holding weights in both hands with feet hips width apart, take a big step forward with your right leg. Lower your hips until both knees form a 90 degree angle. Return back to standing while keeping your left leg lifted until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Engage your core and try to balance on one leg for 1-2 seconds. Lower leg and repeat.
8-10 lb weights
12-15 reps each side
Sumo Squat
Starting in standing position with feed spread wider than shoulders,but toes slightly turned out and holding weight with both hands in front of your waist. Slowly lower your body as far as you can while pushing booty back like your about to sit in a chair. Hold. Pushing through your heels, return to starting position. Repeat.
10-15 lb weights
10-15 reps
Russian Twist
Start in sitting position with sole of the feet on the ground and knees bent, hold medicine ball at your chest, engage abs and twist body and medicine ball to right side then back to center then to left side. (Try to twist enough to get the medicine ball to touch the ground). Feeling strong. Try twisting with legs off the ground.
6-8 lb medicine ball or dumbbells
20-25 reps
Side Lunge with Rotation
Stand with your feet about hip-width apart, holding medicine ball. Step to the right as far as you can, dropping your booty back. Engage abs and twist up and right. Return to standing position and repeat on other side.
6-8 lb Medicine Ball
10 reps each side
Donkey Kick
Starting in push-up position with palms on mat, shoulders over wrists and legs extended behind you while keeping a straight spine. With legs together, engage core and butt and kick both legs in the air while bending knees and feet towards your booty. As your body lowers, return to plank position.
12-15 reps
Staggered Stance Shoulder Press
Start standing with legs hips-width apart. Step right leg forward. While holding weights in each hand, raise arms to a goal post position. Bend knees and lower down to a squat. Lift up pushing through heels and raise arms so that weights are directly above your head. Lower weights back to starting position. Repeat.
10-15 reps
8-10 lb weights
Push-up To Frogger
Starting in push-up position, wrists in line with shoulders, slowly lower your body so it’s hovering the ground and hold for 2 seconds, then push back up. Jump your feet to the outside of your hands landing with your butt down and chest up and open. Jump back to start. Repeat.
10-12 reps
Rotation Squat
Starting in standing position holding a weight extended forward chest level and your feet wider than your shoulders and toes slightly pointing out. Bend your knees and lower your body down and push your booty out like your sitting in a chair. Pushing from your heels, return to standing keeping weight chest level, engage your core and twist weight and torso to the right. Hold then return to center. Repeat alternating twists to each side.
8-10 lb weights
10-12 reps
Position yourself on the ground as if doing crunches. Lift feet to a table top position, engage abs, crunching up as if doing a sit-up. Keeping shoulders off the ground, meet your right shoulder to left knee while extending right foot out. Alternate to left shoulder to right knee and extend left leg keeping abs engaged. Repeat as fast as you can for 60 seconds.
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