Are you treating this year like a brand new fresh start? You should! Don’t think of the crap you ate BEFORE January 2. Don’t think of the workouts your DIDN’T do before January 2. We have a blank slate to do whatever we want. Let’s move forward to a happy, healthy and fit new year!
Cleansing Yoga
Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution but didn’t stick to it? We’ve all been there! For me, the best way to stick to my New Year’s resolution is to constantly be reminded of it. I write it down and post it. I like to keep it where I know I’m going to see it. That’s usually on my desk or on my phone start screen. I read at a yoga training center that at the end of the training they had a ceremony where they wrote down on one piece of paper something that no longer served their lives and wanted to let go of. On another piece of paper, they wrote what it was that they wanted to flourish in their lives. They lit a candle and burned the paper stating what they wanted to leave behind. The paper that stated their intention was taped under the candle so that whenever the candle was lit, it was there to remind you of what you wanted. To me, it was a very cleansing session of trying to get rid of the old and bring on the new. I’m going to do this and would love for you to share with me what you want to bring on and get rid of!
If there is one piece of fitness advice to give you for the New Year, don’t go more than 3 days without exercising. I know if I do I feel the difference mentally and physically. It also makes it a bit harder to get back into it. And of course, keep it fun. Exercising shouldn’t be a chore.
Don’t forget to check-in below in the comment section or on the Facebook page. Reading your check-ins is my favorite part of the day! Your dedication inspires others to get fit, healthy and accountable.
Always consult with your doctor prior to starting a new fitness regimen.Please use discretion. People with injuries or health conditions must consult their doctors prior to starting this challenge. High intensity or interval training workouts are not for everyone. Again, consult with your doctor prior to starting a workout, use your discretion and know your fitness level and limits.
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