It’s time to start preparing for your LBD reveal! I think that we’ve been preparing for quite awhile (at least I have) I just needed something to focus on today. Looking hot in tight sexy dress isn’t just about a slim waist line. You can have a teeny little waist, but if your arms are slapping yourself in the face when you wave hello to a hot dude, that guy’s gonna be walking the other way. Sleek and sexy shoulders and arms are the key to looking hot in your LBD!
This video from FitSugar is one of my favorite arms videos found online. It hits all the right muscle groups to get you looking smoking in the LBD (Little Black Dress).
I’ve been asked many times, Is possible to get sexy buff arms by doing yoga alone to get Madonna’s arms. Uh, yes! Here’s a video to prove it!
Here’s a workout to take to the gym.
Wave Arm Fat Goodbye Workout
After completing each exercise, rest for a max of 30 seconds (longer if you’re a beginner) before moving onto the next exercise. When all exercises are completed, rest for 2 minutes and repeat entire circuit.Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Circuit One
Tricep Pushups
Starting in pushup position but with your arms closer to the midline of your body. Slowly bend your elbows to a 90 degree angle as your arms hug your sides. Hold for 2 seconds, then pushing through your palms, lift back up. Repeat
10 reps

Starting in standing position, feet hips width apart and holding weights in hands with palms facing thighs. Keep your back straight and a soft bend in your knees. With a straight arm or soft elbow, lift weights up past shoulders and hold for 2 seconds. Slowly and intently, engaging all muscles in your arm, lower weight down to start. Repeat.
8-10 lb weights
12-15 reps
Walking Planks
Starting in pushup position with palms on the ground, engage abs and lower right arm to rest on forearm, then left arm to forearm. Return right arm back so that palm is on the ground then return left arm so that palm is on the ground.
10-12 reps
Shoulder push up
Starting in downward facing dog, lift your left leg straight up towards the ceiling. Bend both elbows and lower your head closer to but not touching the mat. Then, push your body back up to starting position and straighten your arms. Switch legs and repeat.
Modification: Hold downward facing dog for 60 seconds
5-8 reps
Isometric Lateral Raise
Start in standing position with your feet hips width apart, arms straight down at your sides, palms facing in holding weights. Slowly raise your arms until they are in line with your shoulders parallel to the ground. Hold for 2 seconds, then lower.
8-10 lb weights
8-12 reps
Overhead Shoulder Press
Starting in standing position with your feet hips width apart, hold weights next to your shoulders like a goal post, palms facing out. Push the weights up until your arms become completely straight. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly lower down to starting position. Repeat.
10-15 lb weights
10-12 reps
Bent Over Rows
Starting in standing position, feet hips width apart, bend at the waist so torso is almost but not quite parallel to floor holding weights straight down under shoulders. Make sure you are not arching your back. Squeeze shoulder blades together and lift weights up towards to chest. Hold. Lower back to starting position.
10-15 lb weights
15 reps
Alternating Arm Bicep Curl
Stand with feet hips width apart, abs engaged, and hold weights at your side with palms facing forward. Bend your elbows and without moving your upper arms, lift the weight in right hand up to meet your shoulders. Hold and lower back to start. Lift the weight in your left hand up to meet your shoulders. Hold and lower back to start. Repeat.
8-10 lb weights
18 reps
Plank Row
Starting in Pushup or Plank position, hold weights firmly in hands. Lift the right dumbbell until your elbow passes your torso. Lower, and repeat on left side.
8-10 lb weights
10 reps each side
Modification: Hold plank for 30 seconds without row or row without weights in hand.
Tricep Extension
Starting in standing position, feet hips width apart, arms over head and both hands holding one weight. Bend elbow so that the weight is lowered behind you. Raise dumbbell overhead by extending elbows up and pushing weight back up to start.
8-10 lb weights
10-15 reps
Don’t forget to check-in below in the comment section or on the Facebook page. Reading your check-ins is my favorite part of the day! Your dedication inspires others to get fit, healthy and accountable.
Always consult with your doctor prior to starting a new fitness regimen. Please use discretion. People with injuries or health conditions must consult their doctors prior to starting this challenge. High intensity or interval training workouts are not for everyone. Again, consult with your doctor prior to starting a workout, use your discretion and know your fitness level and limits.
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