Yesterday we slowed it down. Today we kick it up. Literally. Kickboxing is the perfect way to burn off the pastries while burning off some post-holiday steam. The holidays are a stressful time for everyone. Let’s not let it get the best of us. Working out is an ultimate stress reducer and kicks up our happy hormones. That’s how I want to start my new year, happy! So let’s get those endorphins flowing and workout!
I have been home for a few weeks and feel that I don’t have the time that I did when I was working. I am caretaker to my grandmother, my son is home-schooled (although he is very self-motivated), the household chores and meals have landed 100% in my lap and I still find the time to get in a workout. You can too. You just need to want it more than you want to watch TV. I always tell my challengers to just workout for FIVE MINUTES. That’s it. If you’re still not feeling it, then stop. It’s not easy, but anything in life that’s worth it isn’t easy! Let’s get moving!
Don’t forget to check-in below in the comment section or on the Facebook page. Reading your check-ins is my favorite part of the day! Your dedication inspires others to get fit, healthy and accountable.
Always consult with your doctor prior to starting a new fitness regimen. Please use discretion. People with injuries or health conditions must consult their doctors prior to starting this challenge. High intensity or interval training workouts are not for everyone. Again, consult with your doctor prior to starting a workout, use your discretion and know your fitness level and limits.
Seriously kicked butt!