Saturday, January 9, 2016

Santa Slim Down, Day 8

Bootcamp and Sleep
Sometimes I do feel like my life takes over sometimes.  I seem to have no time.  And when I do have the time, it seems that I overdid it and my fibromyalgia comes to visit.  For days.  But I’m not gonna make any excuses. I’m gettin’ it done! Today is cardio bootcamp. Here’s a bonus video for you over achievers.
One thing that my fibro causes is sleepiness.  I am exhausted from simple things like washing dishes or walking outside.   Sleep is really important to maintaining health and wellness. All this working out is no good without proper rest. Lack of sleep causes your stress hormones, such as cortisol, to be at a constantly elevated rate. This makes it impossible to lose weight and get the results you’re looking for. Listen to your body. Rest when your body tells you it’s had enough! This is really important advice that will have the greatest impact on your health, fitness and overall wellbeing!! 
Don’t forget to check-in below in the comment section or on the Facebook page. Reading your check-ins is my favorite part of the day! Your dedication inspires others to get fit, healthy and accountable.
Always consult with your doctor prior to starting a new fitness regimen. Please use discretion. People with injuries or health conditions must consult their doctors prior to starting this challenge. High intensity or interval training workouts are not for everyone. Again, consult with your doctor prior to starting a workout, use your discretion and know your fitness level and limits.

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