Sunday, January 10, 2016

Santa Slim Down, Day 9

Fat Blasting                                                  For the next few days, I’m going balls to the walls!! I’m going to really hit my workouts hard!  I’m drinking my E&E to get me going and my Energize to wake me up!  Love that it has no crash and the zing effect is amazing!
Here’s a great cardio workout to blast the belly fat!
Don’t forget to check-in below in the comment section or on the Facebook page. Reading your check-ins is my favorite part of the day! Your dedication inspires others to get fit, healthy and accountable.

Always consult with your doctor prior to starting a new fitness regimen.Please use discretion. People with injuries or health conditions must consult their doctors prior to starting this challenge. High intensity or interval training workouts are not for everyone. Again, consult with your doctor prior to starting a workout, use your discretion and know your fitness level and limits.

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